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How To Become a Member of Our Organization...


Why should I join the Central California Sierra Chapter of SWANA? Membership in SWANA has distinct benefits for professionals in the solid waste industry and Sierra Chapter represents a unique segment of that industry in California.  

This is your opportunity to be part of an organization that is dedicated to solving solid waste issues in our communities using knowledge from across the State of California and the country. From waste minimization to recycling, composting, and innovative processing solutions, SWANA supports members to meet the demands of multiple stakeholders in the complex system that is our world today. Solid waste professionals gain knowledge and skills through connection!

Join SWANA’s Central California Sierra Chapter today! Download and fill out the chapter-specific membership application and return it to SWANA via mail, fax, or email. Or go to the SWANA website to join onlineBe sure to list Central California Sierra Chapter as your choice when joining SWANA online!


Public Sector Individual Member………. $255
You are eligible if you are an employee of a public agency or a non-profit or tax-exempt organization.

Private Sector Individual Member………. $459
You are eligible if you are an employee of a for-profit organization that furnishes goods or services.

Small Business Individual Member………. $329
You are eligible if you are an employee of a company with ten (10) or fewer full-time employees or an annual gross revenue of less than $10 million.

Young Professional Member……….$110
First year special rate for members who are 35 years of age or younger. Birthdate is REQUIRED.

(Note: YP membership rates are discounted for 2nd and 3rd year YP members but YP renewal must be consecutive to retain the discount.)

Retired Member………. $92
You are eligible if you are retired from service (ended full-time employment) in the field of solid waste management.

~ Students: Full-time Students (undergrad or graduate) join for Free at ~

All prices effective 07/01/2024. Payment to be made in US dollars.
Price includes one year SWANA dues plus chapter membership.


 We are the Central California Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America. Our members serve communities stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra Nevada Mountains by providing everyday solutions to solid waste issues through effective resource management.

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