Our mission
OUR MISSION: SWANA is an organization of professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through a shared emphasis on education, advocacy, and research.

Harvey W. Gershman Scholarship

A new scholarship of $5,000 a year is funded by a generous donation from Harvey Gershman. Named for a co-founder and owner of Gershman, Brickner, & Bratton, Inc., (GBB), this scholarship is awarded to full-time university students pursuing a degree in studies applicable to the field of solid waste or resource management and intending to seek employment in the industry. Students from Northeastern University are particularly encouraged to apply, but all Category II scholarship applicants may also be considered for this prestigious award. SWANA will manage the scholarship as part of its annual Grant H. Flint International Scholarship program.

To be eligible to apply for the Gershman Scholarship, worth $5,000 US, you must be:

  • Enrolled full-time in college or university for the period of time the scholarship will be used. Priority is given to students currently enrolled at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, but students from any school are eligible.
  • Entering your junior or senior year of undergraduate studies—year determined by credits earned.
  • Pursuing a degree in studies applicable to the field of solid waste or resource management and intending to seek employment in the field.

To support your future career goals and to introduce you to SWANA, we encourage you to join as student member (free to all full-time, enrolled students) by visiting SWANA.org/community/membership/studentmembership.

Gershman Scholarship applications from Northeastern University students must be received by SWANA Staff at membership@swana.org no later than May 1, 2024. Awards will be announced during the summer.

About swanacal.com

 We are the Central California Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America. Our members serve communities stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra Nevada Mountains by providing everyday solutions to solid waste issues through effective resource management.

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